Digital learning games & activities to keep you engaged
Our easy-to-use suite of games and activities keeps participants focused, engaged, and collaborative, all while reinforcing learning.

Industry leading brands trust
Enterprise Game Stack
Why you should use Enterprise Game Stack
Training your team streamlines business operations and increases revenue. But there are a few problems…
Typical learning games:
- Complicated rules
- L&D team must develop ALL the content from scratch
- Trivia-based design focused only on recall
- Little player-to-player interactions
Typical webinar and zoom sessions:
- Lots of “monologuing” by presenters
- Little engagement among attendees
- Difficult to find consensus among innovative or new ideas
- Lack of energy and enthusiasm in session

Scenario / Role-Play Game — A real-time, multi-player digital card game
Our role-play game is designed to help individuals develop their communication and critical thinking skills through fun and engaging interactive exercises. This game is perfect for sales training, team building, leadership development, customer service and contingency planning.
- Develops communication and critical thinking skills through interactive exercises
- Suitable for multiple skill development areas
- Fun and effective for improving team performance.
Sort Card Game - A solo digital activity
In this activity, participants sort cards into different categories such as product features, skills, and elements in a competitive market. Use Sort as an opening exercise, to categorize ideas, or even to prioritize product features.
- Enhances retention and recall of information
- Promotes active learning and engagement
- Quick assessment with far less friction

AI powered content ideas
Coming soon…
a quick set of questions will generate several possible game options for you to use in your games.
Using some example cards you have already loaded the system will generate more ideas for you to use.
Using AI the system can generate new ways to group and review your gameplay data.