7 Things You Should Know About Game-Based Learning

“Educators have long understood that the interactive dynamic of games has the potential to benefit teaching and learning, and recent years have seen considerable activity surrounding the use of the game mechanics in higher education. Efforts to use such activities to improve learning include overlaying gaming elements onto a course, creating gaming activities that deliver content, and, in some cases, structuring an entire course as a game. The result is a diverse matrix of approaches that use gaming principles, fully developed games, or other aspects of what some describe as “gameful learning” to increase engagement, enhance learning, and explore new models of education.”

Need your own game?

If you want to create your own digital card game to help increase engagement and combine corporate learning with a little bit of fun, contact us for a demo to learn how easy is it to create effective, impactful digital card games to connect learners over a distance, drive home key learning points and track learner progress.

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