“Education is continuously changing, as new approaches emerge to meet the needs of diverse students. One newer approach is game-based learning. Game-based learning is defined as the use of games as a main lesson or the enhancement of a lesson, while keeping learning as the main, desired outcome (Denham, Mayben, & Boman, 2016). There have been studies about games-based learning in the classroom, different types of game-based learning, and how games affect the academic growth of students. For students who have individualized educational plans (IEP), game-based learning is a much to help guide instruction, create a positive environment, and generate academic success. Whyte, Smyth, and Scherff (2015) found that students with autism to be more successful and motivated when using computerized games for academic lessons. Students who receive specialized instruction are receiving this instruction due to lack of success with a traditional approach. Jong (2015) used game-based learning through VISOLE (Virtual Interactive Student Oriented Learning Environment), which positively affected student who are both low and moderate academic learners. Jong (2015) also discussed high-achieving students were not impacted by this non-traditional approach. This statement shows how important a different approach to academics is vital for students who receive specialized education or students who struggle to succeed with a traditional approach.”
Need your own game?
If you want to create your own digital card game to help increase engagement and combine corporate learning with a little bit of fun, contact us for a demo to learn how easy is it to create effective, impactful digital card games to connect learners over a distance, drive home key learning points and track learner progress.